

Lori Wynn


With the knowledge I have been gifted, the experiences that have come my way, my hands and my time, my goal is to do what it takes to care for the whole you. 

What most people think of when they hear the term “Physical Therapy” is very far from what you experience at Lori Wynn Physical Therapy. You do not enter a busy clinic type setting with exercise machines and hi-tech e-stim and ultrasound units.

You enter a peaceful, inviting space in my home with a few key components: a treatment table, my diagnostic skills, and my hands.


All of my patients are viewed and evaluated in a holistic way. Every part of the body is connected with all other areas, and you may be surprised by the implications of this when looking for the true underlying cause of your pain. From the first visit, you will have a thorough understanding of your condition and exactly what it is that you can do in order to heal. I will be here to help you along that process


What makes Lori Wynn Physical Therapy Unique?

My purpose is to offer individualized (ALWAYS one-on-one) holistic treatments for acute and chronic conditions including headaches, neck and back pain, foot, knee and hip pain, rotator cuff tendonitis, athletic injuries, fibromyalgia, deconditioning, etc.

Physical Therapy Techniques 

In caring for my patients, I will be utilizing both traditional & non-traditional physical therapy techniques; myofascial release; electrical acupuncture (MPS Therapy: https://www.mpscourses.com/mps-pain-therapy/); energetic reflexology; research and evidence-based exercise influenced by my decades-long background in Yoga (2017 teacher certification) & Pilates; Thai & therapeutic massage, with an emphasis on lifelong wellness & a sharp focus on physical, emotional & mental fitness.


Doctor of Physical Therapy, Holistic Reflexologist, Certified Yoga Teacher

Dr. Lori Wynn, PT, DPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy, in 2016 received her Certificate of Completion and License to Practice Reflexology through The Brauer Institute of Holistic Medicine, having completed an intensive 300-hour reflexology certification program incorporating not only the manual techniques of stimulating the reflexes of the feet, but in addition, the spiritual and emotional components of healing, using Chinese Medicine as a guide.

Holistic Reflexology 

Dorit Brauer is the only instructor in the state of Pennsylvania offering a program of this magnitude. Dorit received her Holistic Reflexology education at the Mahut College for Complementary Medicine and Holism in Tel Aviv, Israel. 

Masters of Physical Therapy from the University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Wynn achieved her Masters of Physical Therapy from the University of Pittsburgh in 1999, followed by her Clinical Doctorate Degree from Chatham University later in 2009. Throughout these years of treating patients with complaints of pain, she observed that many people were suffering from myofascial and musculoskeletal restrictions which would resolve with stretching, strengthening, joint mobilizations and body work, only to return again, sooner or later. Frustrated with these temporary results, her quest has always been to get to the root of such deep seated physical pain, to locate its true origin in order facilitate in her patients their own self-healing mechanisms, resolving their pain once and for all.

Combining Eastern Medicine in Holistic Practice

Her strong interest in Eastern Medicine, based in the system of meridians, dates back to 1994 when she studied and subsequently practiced Thai Massage and Tai Chi in a Hill Tribe Mountain Village in Northern Thailand. Intrigued, and searching for more, she went on to study with a Canadian Acupuncturist in this ancient Chinese Art using direct electrical currents, in lieu of needles, and has been practicing electrical acupuncture with her physical therapy clients for the duration of more than a decade achieving positive results in pain resolution, consistently.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Realizing the importance of this system of meridians in helping patients to find and achieve both physical and energetic balance and thus, not only have the chance to find a complete resolution of symptoms once present, but to prevent them in the first place, she took her studies one step further by delving deeper into studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has become increasingly clear to Dr. Wynn that integrating Reflexology into her holistic physical therapy practice has significantly helped to uncover the deeper rooted causes of her physical therapy patients’ pain.

Incorporating Yoga and Pilates

Lori Wynn Physical Therapy is a home-based clinic located on the edge of Frick Park in the East End of Pittsburgh. Dr. Wynn’s practice is a reflection of what Dr. Wynn herself practices daily throughout her life, sharing with her patients not only her hands (manual techniques including reflexology, myofascial release, massage, mobilizations, etc), electrical acupuncture, traditional Physical Therapy exercises, heavily influenced by her decades long practice of both Yoga and Pilates, but additionally her clean and simple nutritional principles for detoxifying the body and minimizing inflammation, as well as meditation techniques to encourage healing.

Yoga Teacher

I feel honored and excited to share my love for yoga with you. Yoga is my daily physical medicine. Practiced with compassion and awareness, yoga is my primary source of spirituality, my metaphor for living a balanced life with both strength and ease. As a physical therapist specializing in treating patients suffering with chronic pain, I have come to know that traditional strengthening routines just don’t cut it for these people.  Chronic pain is deep, both emotionally and physically, and needs to be released rather than strengthened. The releasing is what I help patients achieve in my physical therapy manual practice. My personal yoga practice began in 1997 coinciding with the start of my journey toward a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Yoga has remained one of the consistencies in my life and I have come to know that I would not want to imagine life without it. More and more as I continue to dive deeper into this practice, I witness the tenants of yoga perfectly jiving with my philosophy of helping people to heal their minds, bodies and souls in unison. Yoga’s focus on mindfulness, breath-work, and postures combining flexibility with strength is perfectly suited, available and beneficial to those in pain, usually beyond the wildest dreams of those new to yoga.

When I am not on my mat, you will find me at some point in every day hiking with my dog Mo through the trails of Frick Park, my favorite place on the planet. Otherwise, I will be working with clients in my home-based holistic physical therapy clinic or spending time with my family (three teenagers and a supportive husband keep life busy and lively!) If you can’t find me at all, I may be out for long stretches of time travelling to faraway places in order to understand people better so that I can better understand myself. I will have my mat with me!

My intention in teaching yoga is to make the practice accessible to as many as people as possible, helping each one of them to be their best selves.

Chronic Pain

It was upon return from a recent year-long sabbatical in South America with her family in 2014, having gained a new perspective on life, both personally and professionally, that Dr. Wynn decided to leave the traditional outpatient orthopedic physical therapy world. Though she had enjoyed spending her career in this setting, she felt her patients, especially those with chronic pain, would thrive from the treatments she could only offer in one-on-one, hour long sessions, utilizing a holistic treatment approach, rooted in the fusion of eastern and western philosophies.